Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Reverse Bungee Jumping!!;)

weee!! today went site visit, saw the Reverse Bungee Jumping at clarke quay there.. our site is in between Mica Building and Central Fire station, and also behind is Fort Canning Park.. hee, what comes to your mind when you think of Fort Canning park? hee hee, clue: nite time.. anyway, went there at 0930am, and finally went back around 1930.. woah..

anyway, back to the reverse bungee jumping..hee hee, read this article;)

the machine basically throws you up, for around 90secs, to a height of 60m, and at a speed of 200kilometeres per hour, hee, suspended only by a seatbelt hee;) well, i was expecting a bungee jumping.. but hell, what is reverse bungee? hmm.. hmm, i wanna try!!;)

Editor's note: you will see this entry again, till then;)

Monday, May 30, 2005

The first day of sch...

ahh back to sch, back to work, back to life.. had a training at 0530hours today.. cant slept last night, was like a fish on hot plate, >< anyway, went to sch, met up with bro5-1=4, lester didnt come to sch.. met with fresh lecturers, teaching us for the last year.. a lady and a guy.. i shall keep my comments to myself about them;) but the lady lecturer leaves a good impression.. anyway, new project, this time commercial, very commercial.. finally we can do this after 2 years..

so class ended for us at around 1530.. and then deyang and cher hao went to watch dvd in the library..shawn went for his film(shoot XXX videos) class hee.. while i went home together with vivian.. you know what happen? people mistaken if i bully her or something...

her eyes are red and she was having a running nose.. makes her look like she just cried.. on the way out, people were staring at us, like i am guilty of bullying her liddat>< anyway, the real reason is cause she was wearing contact lenses.. and think it got dirty, making her eyes red and unbearable.. it was so bad till like she cant see in the glaring sun.. so we went to take the mrt.. and again, people thought i bully her, sigh..

well, so seeing her liddat.. i decided to pei her to buy her contact lenses.. so we did bought at tampines.. and by then she was feeling better.. well(i was..kinda unsure if she will let me pei her to buy the lenses with her) whew...;p damm, my heart is driving me mad again.. no no no..

anyway.. got back to AMK central.. went to the pirated shop to change my game.. and just by concidence.. i met my old sch fren! it was a sheer concidence.. he overheard me yelling at the uncle for his cheap and scratched cds hee.. ya, i was pissed with that uncle.. so anyway, we went out to talk for awhile.. wow.. 2 years since we havent seen each other when we left sec sch.. then went to arcade, ha..

well, finally went home.. hmm, lots of mixed feelings and thoughts..

Sunday, May 29, 2005

hmm Posted by Hello

Hmm Stockchecking?

hmm, tmn is sch reopening.. ah>< but its alrite, all ready hee.. anyway, these 2 days was working, doing stockchecking at Regent Center in a place call Ubi road 4.. hell, first day i ran for 20mins to get there, second day 10mins.. hmm anyway, lets go to what happen during these 2 days..

the work starts at 1400hours, and i saw 20 people.. i was thinking, fine, i am cool.. then 30, then 40, i was like O.O, then lastly, 50! omg.. the whole warehouse was jammed packed full of people.. so anyway, the workload was distributed to everyone, instructions was given out, everyone had to find a partner to do the job.. so i got mine, Kenneth, fren of De Yang, and we started checking.. not bad, we did around 10 sheets of paper that day.. and thus end day 1..

Day 2, hmm, started work at 0830, work up at 0500 hours.. we did the same thing, but with more little nuts and balls that drive both of us mad, and the heat, woah.. its really good and free sauna, why bother to go to slimming centers? doing this work provides slimming already;p anyway, finished work at 1400hours.. then we sat and rot and rot for 2 hours..
Editor's Note:this is the most painful and tortureous part of the 2 day work.. why? simply cause we just sit there and rot and rot, i was counting down every 5 mins to my frens.. sigh, you may ask, arent we working? why we just sat down? simply cause of 2 reasons:
1) Exceeding of manpower
2) Screwup of management

frankly, if you give me job to do and let me pass the time, i will gladly do it, but tell me to sit and rot, i arent that glad.. but hell, we are paid to get rot also.. i wonder what these people thinking.. back to entry

thus finally reached 1630, and a few of us just cant stand the butt rotting, so we went out to get some fresh air.. we went to the carpark and sat there, enjoying the breeze.. and here comes girlX,someone i dont think i wanna say her name.. but nvm, 2 of my new found frens know her, and she came and saw us sitting there.. started a conversation with them.. and from what i hear just bores me..

Editor's Note: i have nothing against anyone, or sterotyping.. but do people from JC's think they are some sort of big f___k or asshole? seriously if you observe what they talk and how they project, they always give people a impression they are better and richer, like some sort of prick, which i feel very intolerable and its pissing me off..sure, you come from JC, so what? you got bigger prick? dont talk to me with your stupid future of going to Uni, blah blah blah, which one, or what shoes you gonna buy later, hell i arent interested at all..

Of course, not everyone is bad.. i met some people from JC too.. but you know, its different.. they are more down to earth and humble, i just HATE people with snobbish and big fark atitude...so anyway, i totally disregard girlX and talk to my partner, kenneth. even him cant stand her hee.. she just talk like a Mg-42, non stop, and a poor fren of mine, Marcus, have to entertain her.. sigh, poor chap. Anyway, after a while, we all went back to the place, and we finally the pay at around close to 6pm..

You know, i believe, every job got it's satisifaction.. but, just not this job.. i feel empty when taking the pay.. whenever i worked.. i worked very hard, so when i paid, i will feel proud.. but hell, if you tell me to rot, i feel guilty of taking the money actually.. seriously.. and the stockchecking part, its pretty easy.. should recommend this job to cher hao, think he will love it though;p

so.. thus end my entry.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star wars!!

Lol.. visit this site for the Star Wars (REVENGE OF THE VEGETABLES) hee.. its pretty entertaining and funny though;) check it out.. http://www.storewars.org/flash/index.html

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

3 Things
Three things of life once gone never comes back,
Time, Words and Opportunity

Three things of life that must never be lost,
Peace, Honor and Honesty

Three things of life that are most valuable,
Love, Self-confidence and Friends

Three things of life that are never certain,
Dreams, Success and Fortune

Three things of life that makes a Man/Women
Hard Work, Sincerity and Success

Three things of life that destroys a Man/Women
Pride, Anger and Guilt

Failure doesn’t mean- You are a failure
It mean-you have not succeed yet.

Failure doesn’t mean-You accomplished nothing.
It means-You have learnt something.

Failure doesn’t mean- That you have been a fool.
It means-You had faith to believe.

Failure doesn’t mean- You’ve been disgraced.
It means- You were willing to try.

Failure doesn’t mean- You don’t have it.
It means- You have to do something in a different way.

Failure doesn’t mean- You are inferior.
It means- You are not perfect.

Failure doesn’t mean- You’ve wasted your life.
It means- You have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn’t mean- You should give up.
It means- You must try harder.

Failure doesn’t mean- You will never make it.
It means- It will take a little longer.

Failure doesn’t mean- God has abandoned you..
It means- God had a better way for you.

hmm saw this quote from a email my fren send me.. thought its pretty interesting, so here's it is in my blog;) anyway, pardon me for not updating my blog recently.. life you can say, is kinda mundane, and i am seeking peace at the moment, thus nothing much can be said.. until next week when sch reopens, then life will be much more vibrant i hope;) till then.

Friday, May 06, 2005

A creed for those who have fought hard and succeed...saw my final year results just now.. well, i am content. 1A, 3Cs and 2 D+ i was just hoping for a pass actually.. anyway, i am really happy for 1 person.. and her name is vivian! she passed.. we were all crossing our fingers, and praying and hoping that she will treat us to a good sumptous ice cream buffet hee.. anyway, i am really happy for her cause.. my frens and i did what we all could and would have to help her.. and it paid off..

To those who fought.. and fail, and get up and fought again.. i salute you.. for every fight.. to everyone is different.. but its all the same.. hard, shitty, painful.. sometimes you feel like giving up, throwing the white flag.. but then, at that point of time, important are your faith and who you trust and love.. They are the factors that will keep you going in the darkest hour..

Whatever fight.. whatever pain, and suffering in order to achieve the ultimate goal.. only You, yourself knows it crystal clear. There may be tears, frustration and anger, but then when you reach the end of the tunnel, when you see light.. and you just think back.. hey, maybe it was hell in the process.. but Its worth the fight.. i saw the light at last..

For me, my year 2 was not easy.. i have no basic knowledge of whats a building like, the services and how it works.. no, i dont, was a nooblet.. Unlike some of my frens, they have a firm grip of whats they are going to do, and they know whats a building.. so ya, i had a pretty hard time grasping the trememdous knowledge threw at me.. i have no idea what the hell was a DC or BP set was.. so did like shit.. ha, its a fun experience though.. sleepless night, stressful days, the worst was when after DB training, damm down and tired, and you still got to work.. its really shitty.

Anyway, since i pass my 2nd year in Architecture course, time for the third and final run.. I am aiming for a B grade.. and i will work harder this time.. I will.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ahh.. the end of Rose is coming.. Monday reset, means everything will be gone.. sigh.. anyway, below are screenshots of the whole game.. the graphics and AI are excellent.. Enjoy;)

Ahh, our new pet wolf, call wolfie lol.. quite a obdient wolf though.. hee Posted by Hello

Ahh, she's wearing my clothes.. and i am emm.. wearing hers.. eee>< Posted by Hello

Emm mammoth behind.. my pet elephant;) hee Posted by Hello

hmm fae and me on cart.. at Luna Posted by Hello

Me and Yeti!! ugly fellow arent it?;p Posted by Hello

Ahh, super high level group behind me.. woah woah... Posted by Hello

Ahh rose, Hawker charc 60, Nice outfit?;) Posted by Hello