ahh back to sch, back to work, back to life.. had a training at 0530hours today.. cant slept last night, was like a fish on hot plate, >< anyway, went to sch, met up with bro5-1=4, lester didnt come to sch.. met with fresh lecturers, teaching us for the last year.. a lady and a guy.. i shall keep my comments to myself about them;) but the lady lecturer leaves a good impression.. anyway, new project, this time commercial, very commercial.. finally we can do this after 2 years..
so class ended for us at around 1530.. and then deyang and cher hao went to watch dvd in the library..shawn went for his film(shoot XXX videos) class hee.. while i went home together with vivian.. you know what happen? people mistaken if i bully her or something...
her eyes are red and she was having a running nose.. makes her look like she just cried.. on the way out, people were staring at us, like i am guilty of bullying her liddat>< anyway, the real reason is cause she was wearing contact lenses.. and think it got dirty, making her eyes red and unbearable.. it was so bad till like she cant see in the glaring sun.. so we went to take the mrt.. and again, people thought i bully her, sigh..
well, so seeing her liddat.. i decided to pei her to buy her contact lenses.. so we did bought at tampines.. and by then she was feeling better.. well(i was..kinda unsure if she will let me pei her to buy the lenses with her) whew...;p damm, my heart is driving me mad again.. no no no..
anyway.. got back to AMK central.. went to the pirated shop to change my game.. and just by concidence.. i met my old sch fren! it was a sheer concidence.. he overheard me yelling at the uncle for his cheap and scratched cds hee.. ya, i was pissed with that uncle.. so anyway, we went out to talk for awhile.. wow.. 2 years since we havent seen each other when we left sec sch.. then went to arcade, ha..
well, finally went home.. hmm, lots of mixed feelings and thoughts..