09.08.05, the nations 40th birthday!;) well, went with my gf to esplanade to catch the fireworks.. it was magnificent.. weeee, got took 2 videos of it hee, wanna see ask me wor;) anyway.. after that went to jurong point to catch dinner as she was really starving.. after a good dinner, went to send her home.. we had a long walk back to her home.. about 45mins? plus we had instant noodles near her home.. we talked about some ghost stories, and both of us become spooked , so i send her to her house, so off i went.. that was 2330 already.. here's the story begin...
Hoping to catch the last train, how stupid of me, i took the last 242 to boon lay MRT station.. only to found there is no more train.. great.. with few cash left, i took a cab. Damm it.. you just hate taking cabs after midnight.. the meter's jump like crazy.. so at mandai, near the good old home of ah meng, zoo, i am left with no money to continue the trip.. so i told the malay uncle that i couldnt pay anymore.. as i told him that.. we went past the old thompson road.. dear readers, Never, never travel by that road at night. Why? oh yeah.. they are there.. peharps the uncle saw it too.. he told me he will drop me at the main road.. "its not safe here".. i was thinking, shit, if he drop me at that road.. i can either pray, or i am done for.. so thank God, he dropped me at the main road.. i thank him profusly and off i went.. hoping to catch the last bus..
And for some reason.. i just ran.. and ran, until i got to a crossroad, where the last 138 was turning.. shit i thought.. i will never catch it in time.. no busstop in sight.. so i keep on running at full speed.. and thank God again the bus stop near a bus stop waiting for me.. i got on it, and the kind uncle told me next time to flag down his bus so that he know i wanna take his bus.. whew.. "how can i flag when i was running so fast"? hmm nvm.. so the bus took me to the busstop near my house.. and here i am, writing this entry cause either God or some guardian angel watched over me... thank you to whoever you are.
Is this a concidence? Absolutely not:
1) 242 bus was the last bus to boon lay.
2) When taking the cab.. i feel it was just the cab to take.
3) At old thompson road.. i saw them, and they saw me.. a really unsafe road.. and the kind malay driver didnt drop me there..
4) I managed to catch the last 138 bus as something just told me to fly.. and again the bus driver stop to wait for me.. another factor that this is not a concidence.
5) Lastly.. though this is a small factor.. the bus was so misty with all the air con, i managed to see my stop at the last turn, thus i got down.
Till now.. i am thinking, if i was dropped at that very nice and deserted thompson road.. where "they" always reside.. i think i need another 2 hours to get home.. and peharps something might have happen otherwise.. Anyway, due to the 7th month.. just a few factors of precaution:
1) Never, never curse and swear or say its bullshit chinese custom to pray and burn joss sticks at those tables where people offer fruits for the wandering souls. By cursing and swearing will invite them to your house for a mind boggling experience.
2) Never, get home till very late, like 12, or like me, 12am;p.. Its not safe.
3) Never, walk a empty road, or a dark alley alone.. you never who's there waiting. And especially if your life force is low.. its easier to see them and for them to harm you.
4) If you experience bad times, break up or some mental breakdown.. pls do not do these above factors. Like i say, they see the amount of lifeforce 1 has.. if you are depressed or sad.. you make very easy targets for them.
5) Lastly.. if any of your frens invite or dragged you to visit a haunted area or house, pls do not go.. for your own safety, and everyone's. Staying alive is more important than getting more porpularity and respect from peers.
IMPT: if all else fails, and all 5 factors are breached.. if you wear a tailsman, believe in it and stay praying to whatever God you believe in. Its about faith, the stronger it is, the stronger your protection there is.
If you really see 1, or suddenly feel an area is extremely low in temp, run if you must, if there is no where to run,. Of course, do not stand there like 1 idiot. Close your eyes, and start praying, Its a great time to start to have faith. It will naturally increase life force to max, if you really believe. Normally all will be alrite.
Did i say faith empowers 1? that it gives confidence in who you are and what you do..? yes.. and it increases life force. Good luck;)