Sunday, June 24, 2007


Its been so long while.. and many things have changed. well, for example, the layout of my blog, and the photo;) hmm. how long have i not been blogging? 2 years? hmm.. or less than that. Nvm, where do i start? hmm.. lets start with the first day i met my gal gal..

think the day was 17/01/07, pardon my ailing memory due to too much of studying.. i ask her out for a movie, and i remembered that movie clearly, it was Ghost Rider, our first movie. Went over to her place for the first time.. still remembered the familiar things i saw as of now, nothing have changed. Bought my photo album over, it contains all the photos i took during my Sailing trip, and boy, she was happy to see me. Strange is that i still can remember the smile on her face when she saw me and the photos hee;p.. So off we went for the movie, and well, that movie was alrite i guess.. hmm, gal gal always complain its always her who hold my hand first, nah, i think its me hee, as that time we just come out from the cinema, and needed to give her support, so i hold her hand. So ya, i think i hold her hand first wor;) Anyway, highlight of the day wasnt the movie, it was the first neoprint we took together. The first and pioneer of all photos. Went to hereen the neoprint service to take the photos. I still remember clearly we took 6 good shots, and only 4 survive due to our lack of knowledge in knowing how to operate the neoprint machine.. ah, nevermind. So after went down, met her aunt and took a cab to her house. I guess it was the first day that i met her parents and spring, her brother, if i am not wrong, What happened after that is all that is happening now..

Just pass the 5 months anniversary, and i can say, 99.999999percent, she's the gal for me. To reason this logic, these are the reasons:
- our horoscope are the same(we are the archers)
- Somehow rather somewhat, our destiny are linked
-Somehow, somewhat, somewhere are in the stars, We share the very similar personality.
-All these while during the tough periods we have endure and sail through together.
-Again, somehow somewhat, i couldnt been here if itsnt for all the encouragement and love from my gal gal;)
can really say she's has been my pillar of support all these while, when things dont go right.
I guess the most coming test for both of us, is my upcoming Sailing trip. Man, i cant wait to go for it again, save me from all the intense studying,ahh.. help:)

Think i shall stop for here.. will update when i am back from saling.
Tigger Out