From year 1 to year 2/1/2 in Poly, i was very much much active in Rovers, everthing and everytime was put into it.. Just suddenly went to see the photos they took during a recent event, DInner and Dance, and it leaves me a very strange thought, and a bad taste.
By the way, let me explain whats Rovers.. they are advanced scouts, trained in all the skills of scouts, navigation, surivival in the woods, cycling, kayaking, first aid, etc.. When i saw 1 photo of my current batch, i was kinda sadden.. as there was only so so few people left standing.. i remembered there was much much more when i went for that event at my first year, it was like a hugh big family, where everyone was there, and i can say Rovers was at its height, just was i. But now.. left is like a memory of the past. The photos showed alot more seniors, from the long past more than the current batches.. It makes me think, why did everyone left? i left reason was that there was a internal conflict, i do not believe what they believe in, thus becaming a splinter, and left.
But anyway, why did a good cca lost its value? last time i was so siao on every tue and thurs i will be going down for pt, and sat and sun for events. i even became a PTI in the end.well almost fail my year 1 though;p One thing i still keep thinking, what makes the old sch seniors so bonded, and the current batch so scattered and lost? is it the way they trained us, and the way we trained?
or peharps the problem lies in me? that i see things wrong.. or peharps the problem lies with the organisation..