Sunday, February 27, 2005

The happiest day of our life..?

well, just catched Bedazzled in channel 5, and this is my first time watching it.. haha, its pretty hiliraous and it have a message behind it too.. When is the happiest day of our lives?was it the day we win the million dollar price? the moment we fall in love? the moment we suceed in our careers and peharps got a new MP3 player? after much thought.. nah.. those are moments of happiness.. of joy, but they are momentarily.. i am talking about joy that last.. a lifetime.. do you believe it exist?;)

Well.. i believe.. and after much thought.. the moment of happiness lies the moment we do something for someone.. sacriface,help, love, care and concern.. "the greatest joy lies in helping people, making's thier lives easier and loving someone with all our hearts.." it does not lies in winning a match, a competition, or winning money.. Ever read the story of Pandora? how she opened the chest and let all evil out from it? lust, anger, destruction, greed.. everything thats evil is out.. but two things that was out the latest was Hope and Love.. ok, love was my addition.. but yes, though there are so much pain sometimes.. almost unbearable.. Have faith my friends.. we will pull through.. Hope and Love.. it will overcomes all..

Sometimes.. when we love and lost a person.. i understand and been through it myself.. the pain, the anguish and desperation of losing.. but sometimes.. peharps the person was there just to give us a momentairly sacred shelther for us, teaching us love.. showing us and for once in our lives.. we feel love. And then suddenly we lost the person.. and after much wandering and being lost.. we realise that peharps the person wasnt meant for us to possess and be with us forever, but just a moment.. for us to love and hold.. The other day.. someone told me peharps i havent experience true love after so many relationships.. I said yes, i havent experience true love.. but i had experience what is love.. and losing it. I am still searching for my true love.. like anyone else in this world..

and peharps i will find it.. and peharps i will not.. anyway.. well nites my frens.. Good luck and God bless anyway.. make someone's day;)

Friday, February 25, 2005

Dedicated to Shawn..

well man, just read your blog, Shawn.. and ya.. i understand the feeling.. And ya, today's entry is for you.. my bro;) Just wanna say Good Job, though you all lost.. You all are Heroes already.. heroes of being in SP Rugby team.. heroes in being yourself.. there may be pain, tears, sweat and blood.. but in the end, If what you believe and fight for becomes a reality.. then all what is sacrifaced will Worthwhile my fren... Its always a wonderful and rare thing.. to see men together, fighting side by side, for a common goal and to win it.. even if falling and failing, Its all worthwhile..
The tears shed today.. be it a fighting spirit tmn.. may it guide you and your team to success in other matches shawn;)

Change to Flippy and rip those bastards to pieces! grrr.. hee

take a look at Shawn's blog through here:

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A bit of Introspective...

well, my frens, just in a bit of thought.. so wanna pen it down. Why does some people join Special Forces? that is the q i ask myself.. and you too, whoever you are reading.. use some brain power to think, and..1, 2, 3, lets compare answers..
My reasons:
1) These people wish to prove to themselves and others, that they have the special quality to be in SF
2) They wish to have the special skills imbued into them, unlike conventional troops.
3) Keep them on the edge.

what i think, these are just reasons on the surface.. one last reason, and the most impt is that, when caught in a firefight, these people wish to be with their comrades, who have been with them thru shit and hell, covering their backs and fighting together.. not with a green man or whatsoever.
the difference between a Specially trained troop, and a non specially trained troop, is that SF possess, or so call possess better skills than conventional troops, they have better fitness, fighting agility and confidence to win.. i am not saying conventional troops arent good, but if i am given a choice, i will join SF. The training for a SF is twice or thirdfold tougher and harsher than a normal trooper, but thats what makes them stands out. And ya, not everyone can be a SF.., only one with extra determination and character.

"All men can be Soldiers, but Not all Soldiers can be Heroes.."
(taken from When Trumpet Falls the movie's quote)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Ahh, Flippy.. anyone dont knows about him? Raise up your hand before i pull it out for you hee.. go if you have no idea who the hell he is.. A little profile: he's cute, he's nice, but very evil and dangerous when he had bad nightmares ha.. well, thats me when i am pissed;)  Posted by Hello

Vengence and Self Control...

well my frens and brothers.. pardon me if today blog's is kinda long.. i wish to voice out my concerns and everything.. so let's start..

21/2/05, at around 1030 , my brothers and i were at FC 2, having breakfast and lunch, and looking at Shawn's magic tricks haha.. getting amused when 2'o clock i saw 2 gals come forward and sit down. let me name this gal (G), i saw her pretty ke lian, coming to sit with two crutches.. and her fren helping her.. so they sat down. I was observing them when suddenly G's bf, a bloody asshole, i will explain why.. came forward angrily and sat down. Nothing happens, until that Cockster start spewing foul words at (G), looks like a heated quarrel with her.. Now let me explain why it gets me Hot when i see this kind of thing:
1)this guy has no dick, he's acting like he's big boss when he's just a small dick
2)The way he talk to his gal really invites me to give him a ticket to Hospital
3)If you wanna talk like that, pls do talk to me on a bad day.. i will make sure a ticket to the Morgue is guranteed;)
4)My first and last rule: Never insult and beat a gal.. and he just broke that..

so let get back to the story.. i was getting hotter and steaming.. and my bros notice that.. well, its isnt a good sign, means that Dan is going to rock and roll.. and someone's going to lose a hand or a leg.. so i was being very quiet and observant.. Until, Until, the bloody rubbish cockster, farkingshit hit the (G) plate and sent all the food flying to our table... hit our brothers.. Lester, got pissed off and demand a apology.. well, the cockster saw 5 of us and other guys all staring at him, and he apologised and make a call like one big farking boss ha.. and left..

Sigh.. i really sympatise with the gal.. already so ke lian, still must put with this shit, she cried of course.. I didnt interfere, let me explain again my fellow readers:
1)I am just afraid.. i might lost control.. self control i mean.. What is pictured in my mind is i saw myself whacking the shit out of him.. and its arent really good.. The Anger burnts in me..
2)Let you know a bit.. i have a hard time sometimes to control the fire inside.. and thats why i am quiet sometimes.. either i am observing, or something's not right..
3)If i start beating someone.. his only way out is on the stretcher to the Hospital.. i arent boasting mates.. but its just my character and me.. i cant stand guys doing this to gals.. no style, i am disgusted to see them as guys...

.. the cockster is just 1 step in letting me whack the shit out of him.. why didnt he do something more? sigh..

On a happier note.. anger and vengence does make one more lively and faster.. and ya, had NARFA test, Dragonboat style.. did 25pull ups(didnt improve) run 9:40 or 10:00 on 2.4, did 54 sit ups,(can really improve)

Oh yeah, 2.4km? ha, its well.. kinda easy? we run to Dover station there and detour, the only hard part is the slope.. well Bro 5, good news, just keep on running on stairs and i am sure you will get 10:00 for 2.4;) hee, i am aiming for 8!! Gonna carry bags to run soon wor;) so ya, after that, went to do Pool rowing.. row row row a paddle, got special training from Capt, at last i know somehow how to execute a correct stroke.. well, thank you Capt, i appreciate you teaching me ya;) alrite peeps, gtg.. laters. Pardon again for the long blog, ya, nites.

Saturday, February 19, 2005


haha, damm mates, today after training some weird stuffs happen.. i had a conversation with a gal over sms, and let me share part of it with you all.. due to protection, the gal's name will not be disclosed here..

Her reply: So pretty also no use, no one wan..

My reply: Lol i wan i wan! hee

Her reply: you are kiddin rite de?

My reply: haha maybe, maybe not;)

Her reply: Mad. Dun play abt such things can. B more serious.

My reply: i wanna say something.. when.....
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... I FELL!!!!!

god damm it!, i fell and hit the floor when i was trying to climb over a wall.. first time i fell.. arent it scary? did i said something wrong lol? Later after walking a few miles i found out my right leg is bleeding.. its arent really bad, i manage to clean it and continue walking ya.. ha, arent it concidence? or just me being plain stupid.. you decide ..

But i wont talk funny things with her anymore.. who knows next time what will happen? Maybe a car will hit me? lol, No thanks;)

Ahh, another pic of very cool paddles.. imagine if your whole team of 22 guys all using this two paddles.. woah, everyone will be scare haha.. Maybe i will buy one next time and display in my house ba;) Posted by Hello

Ahh.. these are the paddles we used for Dragonboat trainings, of course without the art.. though i think its very cool if you have that printed on your paddle.. talking about paddles, TYPHOON!!! wee, heard from Capt we are going to get new fast paddles.. ha, gonna makes us look very cool with it hee.. though we cant used it in competitions.. well, its just nice, but the old paddles are good to use too;)  Posted by Hello

Monday, February 14, 2005

Wahaha!! If you cant see the words clearly, it is WAHAHA I AM HORNY TODAY! VERY HORNY!, DID YOU SEE I AM STANDING?LOL! haha.. the arrow marks the part which it stands lolx, dont know why it stands too haha, peharps we found the second bro;) hee hee Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ahh Bloody stupid fark up asshole, fark his stupid costume.. using all the resources of his country to live in lavish.. and his people to suffer.. May God have mercy on his soul.. and may someone put a bullet to his head. Posted by Hello
Swazi King Mswati III has purchased 10 new BMWs for the royal household -- two months after buying a super-expensive sedan for himself while his subjects continue living in abject poverty.

Africa's last absolute monarch spent some five million emalangeni (635,000 euros, 820,000 dollars) on at least 10 brand-new five series BMWs for his wives, the Mbabane-based Times Sunday reported.

"It is true that new cars have been purchased for emakhosikati (queens) to his majesty... This is basically an upgrade of the ones they have been using," the chief executive officer of the king's office, Roy Fanourakis, told the newspaper.

This comes after it emerged last December that Mswati had bought himself a 500,000-dollar (390,000 euros) Daimler Chrysler flagship Maybach 62 as his debt-ridden country continues battling AIDS and crippling poverty.

The car features a television receiver, dvd player, 21-speaker surround sound system, refrigerator, cordless telephone, heated steering wheel, interior pollen and dust filter, golf bag and sterling silver champagne flutes.

The 36-year-old King Mswati is no stranger to controversy and frequently hits the headlines with stories of the lavish lifestyles he, his 11 wives' and two teenage fiancees lead.

On his birthday in April last year, he bought 10 BMW seven series vehicles for himself and some of his wives. This year he is expected to spend some six million emalangeni (760,000 euros, 980,000 dollars) on his birthday party on April 25.

He is also building 10 new palaces for his wives at a cost of 100 million emalangeni.

Swaziland's government owes its suppliers more than 150 million emalangeni which dates back to 2002 and the country's budget deficit stands at 800 million emalangeni.

Swaziland, a small country wedged between South African and Mozambique with a population of one million, has the highest AIDS rate in the world at 38.8 percent and about a third of the impoverished nation relies on food aid for survival.

Extract taken from . Thanks for the extract.. well, after reading, what's your thought? My thought is: Bloody Bastard using all the resources from his people.. while they starve and died.. Someone should really shoot him, tie his head up, slice it open, take out all his organs, put his heart on a pike, dig out his eyes and tongue.. all while he's alive.. and of course, cut off his dick and balls.. hmm, ya, for his wives and kids, the same treatment for them;) (oh yeah, electrocuted his dick too;) ) that will be fun hearing his screams hee.. arent i sick?;)
Inhuman shit.. may he rot in hell..

Saturday, February 12, 2005

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Another Pic of her shopping spree.. I think its a Gucci or Burberry bag for ladies.. hmm colour is nice, but i think its will get yellowish after a while.. Of course i didnt told her;) Posted by Hello

hmm kinda forgetten what brand is this wallet, ya, she likes again.. keep telling me how nice it is.. emm, is it nice? you comment;)  Posted by Hello

hmm a Stucci cap, cost around 40dollars? not what i like, was talking to my mei yesterday, and she was so excited being in Yahoo Auctions.. she's in a shopping mood ya, so i just post this pic;) Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Impressive picture wahaha.. just a test shot from my bro though;) Posted by Hello

Taken last night, 9/2/05, at my 5th uncle's house..  Posted by Hello

My whole family with my grandma in between.. she's 78sumthing? but 1 hella tough lady;) Posted by Hello

Ahhh my neice.. though i cant tell you which uncle neice.. haha, really dont know well.. she's the star of the night, cameras everywhere, oh yeah, even someone serving her a piece of cake;) Posted by Hello

Ahh everyone doing the "lao yu shen" thingy hee, my grandma's is beaming with joy;) Posted by Hello

At my grandma's house, with my sister, wahhaa.. see her face! lolx, ok she will strangle me if she see this shh.. haha, preparing for steamboat dinner.. hee Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ok, pls dont close your eyes haha.. its the soles of my shoe.. scary isnt it? Oh yeah, it smells too ha.. dont worry, i added powder to it.. Notice the front and back BIG holes.. cause by the constant torture of my feet.. doing harsh harsh work.. no wonder you see the holes.. oh yeah, i put plasters but it just doesnt work :( Posted by Hello

Wahaha, pic no.1 of my shoes.. notice the red thing over it, its just rubberbands.. i got to put it cause if not it will drop out from my foot.. oh yeah, the rubber is dropping too.. hee, but its a good shoe ya;) Posted by Hello

My shoes and Me!!

Its CNY!! Chinese New Year for short.. hee, well, the 1st day.. dont know why i feel i wanna write about my pair of trusty shoes, but peharps it holds a special feeling for me ba.. so here goes:

They say; You can judge a person by looking at his shoes, It always tell the story about him... and it does.. when you look at my shoes, do not judge by how ugly or torn out they look.. for they have been with me for 2 years, or coming 2 years. These shoes have been with me thru rain, shine, cold, anything.. they even went up to the mountains to breathe fresh air, and even dive in the seas. haha.. am i exerrrating? maybe..
7 Reasons why i am writing about my shoes haha:
1) i ran in these shoes
2) i slept in these shoes
3) i swim/dive in these shoes
4) i sweat in these shoes
5) i see and flirt with gals in these shoes(wahaha)
6) i fly in these trusty shoes
7) lastly, i bled in these shoes

After reading all these, my dear reader, dont you think my shoes deserve a award for going all these tough times with me? You all vote.. haha, i am planning a retirement for them.. so might as well give them a award dont you agree? hee.. ok, i am being lame, but hey, they are a very good pair of shoes, if you are interested, You can get these Newbalance all terrain shoes at Queenstown for 75dollars.. serves you a lifetime;) hee..

Saturday, February 05, 2005

hmm training!! sea rowing at the bloody muddy, kallang basin.. and today its very low tide.. you can see the good old bloody rubbish area.. tell you ya, its really a dump area, no matter how good it looks.. when you bathe, you can get black salt from your hair;) tell me how clean it is..

putting aside all this.. well training was all about getting our strokes and make it good.. we had the easy rowing for the first 45mins.. from the deck area(where we embark to hell) to the shear bridge area.. like 1.5km? haha.. when the coach says easy rowing.. means shitty rowing that it will make your back and arms ache like hell haha.. and so we just do it, we maybe complain at first, but in the end, everyone just do it.. its the spirit of a team. When a group of individuals come together, with a comman goal in mind.. they create miracles.. its true, and i can vouch for that.. no matter how hard or bad things are.. a team of highly motivated people WILL and ALWAYS WILL CREATE MIRACLES..

so we trained, and at 4, we went back to deck.. well, hell of a training, especially when we play tug of war, Dragonboat style, 4 side rowers against 4 side rowers, see which side can make the boat move ha.. and damm i am the first pair of rower.. and my side won!! haha, tell you all a secret, the first pair is never use to row, its use to hit the other side rowers, haha and i hit my side and his paddle drop!! oops! haha..well, there's no rules, so we won haha..

and after that, we went back to the shore.. and this is how the training ended.. and so we bathe, talk cock, and went home. I rent two vcds again!! hee.. goin to watch now.. well , so well mates;)

Friday, February 04, 2005

Oh yeah!!!

Yes!! had the crit(shooting squad) today, and i think i survive in one piece, with my good bro, cher hao along. can say we did pretty alrite, still alive after the lecturers fired upon us. I did about my swimming/diving pool while cher hao did his tree in between his building whaha, the lecturer, Mr Yen, insist he wants to see rooftop garden, but cher hao just say no lolx, well.. flexibility man;) Hmm, well, mr yen help me explain my idea to the other lecturers as because he was the one i consult over my detailings over the past weeks.. so , ya, i wanna thank him for his guidance and teaching.. although sometimes his comments cone bluntly and is hard to take. So after the crit, feel great! i cancelled the coffin ordered haha, in case we died during the shootout;) had to wait for again, cher hao to finish his HTA(history and theory) essay.. 3 long hours.. i didnt had any sleep last night, neither did he, i caught a few mins of sleep in the lab.. hmm, 5 more weeks to the last Crit of the year.. means we either made it, or we dont. Its that simple. sigh.. sometimes late in the nite i do wonder if i can make it thru this course.. after seeing how sometimes things go bad.. well.. I thank God for guiding me thru this crit.. :)

hmm, finally went home at around almost 4.. while on the train.. emm, met a very pretty gal.. oops, in a white shirt(kinda formal) with her frens, think they are going for a concert or some sort of presentation.. well, she's kinda older than me, 24? or 23.. but her face captures my attention.. almost totally haha.. i tried not to stare at her.. at one point of time she help her fren took out a hair, and she caught me staring at her and she laugh and try to hidde her face wor>.<
So i reached raffles place, and it's time for me to change train, and i caught her staring at me again when i left.. sigh.. what a pretty face and smile:)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

another picture, notice the big shattered impact near his head? its a warning shot to him.. it didnt kill him of course.. Posted by Hello

hmm, the cover pic of phonebooth.. how you can see a man in desperate times redemm his soul.. hmm..  Posted by Hello


hmm, just watch the movie phonebooth, rented as a vcd from the shop downstairs.. well, saw it on trailers think last year? but didnt watch in cinema, ya, actually didnt catch many shows on cinema, always got them as vcds and burn them hee.. well, back to the show, I will wanna rate it! 5/5.. well, why you will ask..:

First i will give a run down of the movie, a publicist who lies about everything, to sleeping with another women and not with wife, and one day a dear punisher came to redemm his soul by forcing to confess all the brutal truth to his wife and the whole world, if not he will have a bullet through in his head in the phonebooth.. i will say the movie has a very clever plot, and lets you on a tight grip the whole time, and it lets you think alot after that.. like a afterthing. I watched other movies but somehow this show just catches my attention, thus i am writing this into my blog.

5/5, do catch this movie if you have the time, if you dont like action or thrillers, stick back to your usual, dont try catching it;)