Monday, February 21, 2005

Vengence and Self Control...

well my frens and brothers.. pardon me if today blog's is kinda long.. i wish to voice out my concerns and everything.. so let's start..

21/2/05, at around 1030 , my brothers and i were at FC 2, having breakfast and lunch, and looking at Shawn's magic tricks haha.. getting amused when 2'o clock i saw 2 gals come forward and sit down. let me name this gal (G), i saw her pretty ke lian, coming to sit with two crutches.. and her fren helping her.. so they sat down. I was observing them when suddenly G's bf, a bloody asshole, i will explain why.. came forward angrily and sat down. Nothing happens, until that Cockster start spewing foul words at (G), looks like a heated quarrel with her.. Now let me explain why it gets me Hot when i see this kind of thing:
1)this guy has no dick, he's acting like he's big boss when he's just a small dick
2)The way he talk to his gal really invites me to give him a ticket to Hospital
3)If you wanna talk like that, pls do talk to me on a bad day.. i will make sure a ticket to the Morgue is guranteed;)
4)My first and last rule: Never insult and beat a gal.. and he just broke that..

so let get back to the story.. i was getting hotter and steaming.. and my bros notice that.. well, its isnt a good sign, means that Dan is going to rock and roll.. and someone's going to lose a hand or a leg.. so i was being very quiet and observant.. Until, Until, the bloody rubbish cockster, farkingshit hit the (G) plate and sent all the food flying to our table... hit our brothers.. Lester, got pissed off and demand a apology.. well, the cockster saw 5 of us and other guys all staring at him, and he apologised and make a call like one big farking boss ha.. and left..

Sigh.. i really sympatise with the gal.. already so ke lian, still must put with this shit, she cried of course.. I didnt interfere, let me explain again my fellow readers:
1)I am just afraid.. i might lost control.. self control i mean.. What is pictured in my mind is i saw myself whacking the shit out of him.. and its arent really good.. The Anger burnts in me..
2)Let you know a bit.. i have a hard time sometimes to control the fire inside.. and thats why i am quiet sometimes.. either i am observing, or something's not right..
3)If i start beating someone.. his only way out is on the stretcher to the Hospital.. i arent boasting mates.. but its just my character and me.. i cant stand guys doing this to gals.. no style, i am disgusted to see them as guys...

.. the cockster is just 1 step in letting me whack the shit out of him.. why didnt he do something more? sigh..

On a happier note.. anger and vengence does make one more lively and faster.. and ya, had NARFA test, Dragonboat style.. did 25pull ups(didnt improve) run 9:40 or 10:00 on 2.4, did 54 sit ups,(can really improve)

Oh yeah, 2.4km? ha, its well.. kinda easy? we run to Dover station there and detour, the only hard part is the slope.. well Bro 5, good news, just keep on running on stairs and i am sure you will get 10:00 for 2.4;) hee, i am aiming for 8!! Gonna carry bags to run soon wor;) so ya, after that, went to do Pool rowing.. row row row a paddle, got special training from Capt, at last i know somehow how to execute a correct stroke.. well, thank you Capt, i appreciate you teaching me ya;) alrite peeps, gtg.. laters. Pardon again for the long blog, ya, nites.