well, my frens, just in a bit of thought.. so wanna pen it down. Why does some people join Special Forces? that is the q i ask myself.. and you too, whoever you are reading.. use some brain power to think, and..1, 2, 3, lets compare answers..
My reasons:
1) These people wish to prove to themselves and others, that they have the special quality to be in SF
2) They wish to have the special skills imbued into them, unlike conventional troops.
3) Keep them on the edge.
what i think, these are just reasons on the surface.. one last reason, and the most impt is that, when caught in a firefight, these people wish to be with their comrades, who have been with them thru shit and hell, covering their backs and fighting together.. not with a green man or whatsoever.
the difference between a Specially trained troop, and a non specially trained troop, is that SF possess, or so call possess better skills than conventional troops, they have better fitness, fighting agility and confidence to win.. i am not saying conventional troops arent good, but if i am given a choice, i will join SF. The training for a SF is twice or thirdfold tougher and harsher than a normal trooper, but thats what makes them stands out. And ya, not everyone can be a SF.., only one with extra determination and character.
"All men can be Soldiers, but Not all Soldiers can be Heroes.."
(taken from When Trumpet Falls the movie's quote)