Friday, February 25, 2005

Dedicated to Shawn..

well man, just read your blog, Shawn.. and ya.. i understand the feeling.. And ya, today's entry is for you.. my bro;) Just wanna say Good Job, though you all lost.. You all are Heroes already.. heroes of being in SP Rugby team.. heroes in being yourself.. there may be pain, tears, sweat and blood.. but in the end, If what you believe and fight for becomes a reality.. then all what is sacrifaced will Worthwhile my fren... Its always a wonderful and rare thing.. to see men together, fighting side by side, for a common goal and to win it.. even if falling and failing, Its all worthwhile..
The tears shed today.. be it a fighting spirit tmn.. may it guide you and your team to success in other matches shawn;)

Change to Flippy and rip those bastards to pieces! grrr.. hee

take a look at Shawn's blog through here: