Sunday, November 14, 2004


14/11/2004, time is 1131, lolx, was chatting with my frens.. and i found out the unbelievable.. In vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city they literally travel by Submarine!! Incredible ya? at first i dont believe, c'mon, they travel by sub? then i got convinced lolx.. they really use Submarine to travel, say its faster than cars lolx.. and the price is pretty cheap.. 10Sing dollars only.. haha, think i will go take it when i am in Ho Chi Minh city on the 2nd of dec.. hee.. hee.. hmm today packing my bag compressed all my contents into a sardine packed bag lolx.. damm small but heavy.. will bring first aid kits there too.. 1 for site and 1 at my bag as backup. haha, studying the whole nite about first aid too.. hope it comes to use. ;)