Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Woah.. feel like writing more;)

hmm.. sorry guys, pardon me if i am too draggy hee.. but just wanna talk on the day previous previous.. went to site and the building/structure's foundation was complete, just empty. So, our job was to fill it up with sand.. sounds easy? nah... we use spades and shovels to fill it up, took us 6 hours taking turns to throw the sand into the foundation. hahaha.. now i know burying someone is not easy too;) will publish the photos when i come back to singapore;) ohh.. forgetten, i demolish 1 of their just made column. I was going to take a pic when i just push a little tiny bit, the whole brick thing collapse in front of me. OOps.. hahaha.. the contractor wasnt very please, but i smile and pose for a photo anyway;) it was a pretty tiring day though, but a worth while.

More about yesterday, as part of my team didnt go to site, we went to the market in a small tiny van. Tell you, its damm impressive, on our way back, we got loads and loads of stuffs(for the village's children and orphanage), and we all thought its impossible to load it in, know what the driver say? No Problem;) OMG.. anyway, we load and it was raining heavily and Off we go.. i was at the driver's seat, and whats funny was that the passenger's seat has no window, so the rain keep splashing in on my face since i was squessing the seat with my lecturer like sardines in the front seat.ya.. after that we dress up like rockstars and Idols to meet the TP students but was disappointed.. haha..

well, i will stop here. laters people;)