Thursday, April 28, 2005

Interesting picture.. Refer to the entry(below) Posted by Hello
LEADERSHIP, what is that? As explained from the America Heritage@ Dicitionary, it means " Capacity or ability to lead: showed strong leadership in a situation or position " and in Longman Dictionary, Lead: "position at the front or ahead" so what in the world is to lead or leadership? is it having the power to control and manipulate a group of people? yes and no, to lead, in meaning means to lead a group of individuals towards a specific goal or objective.

look at the picture above, see the 3 boys? Which one is the leader? It can be clearly seen, the one center is. Why? he's the one with his head turned looking at the horizon, and the other both are not. I posted this picture on my blog as i find it interesting, three different roles in our society and in a group/pack. I will explain the roles of these 3 boys..

(Left):boy who's reading magazine, his facial expression registered he's on alert. Maybe looking for someone, he has the potential of a leader, peharps the second in command in the group..

(Center):boy with his head turned to one side, Notice his eyes and facial expression, deep thought, thinking, face with leadership, body languages express all. This cleary shows he's the leader of his pack, or acting in command.

(Right):boy with his head down reading his book. From what i can observe, maybe the follower of the group, but this rule express.. Roles in a group/pack are interchangable.. 1 can be leader, or follower. This boy with his head down can be both..

What makes a good group? Its when everyone knows their roles well, and has confidence in their abilites to perform their best.. What makes a good leader? One who knows the way, and shows the way.

Lastly.. there is only 2 ways to lead. One, is by respect, and Second, fear. Always lead by respect, for respect can never be bought, but has to be earned...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ahh.. Finally become a Knight.. after much torture and pain.. and the damm quest that almost drive me nuts, this is the end results;) nice armor ya?;) hee hee..  Posted by Hello

Ahh, Me using a hammer and a shield.. thinking of becoming a Knight class, rather than a Champ.. dies too easily.. In midst of torture, just level 62>< Posted by Hello

ahhh.. R.O.S.E Online.. its a online game.. and must say, its very addicting;) hee, thats me driving a cart(car), beg steal borrow cash to buy it;)  Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

ahh.. damm Mozilla firefox.. for some reasons i thought my blog was down or deleted.. nah, just cant see on the mozilla.. anyway, its been how many days since i update my blog? hmm.. cant remember.. life these few days just seem all in a blur and rush.. well, I pass my second year in Architecture.. i must say, second year was a big leap in my course of study.. its like, you never know whats building about, how it works, and how it functions.. its my first time knowing and grasping the knowledge.. and i must admit, i had a hard time understanding sometimes.. but in anycase.. i am done with 2, so going to year 3!;) hoo yah! ..

Sometimes i think.. there are so many things that are just so complex.. i just cant understand it.. why this kind of things happen, why and how they work.. like life, why must just some people die that way? and why did they go.. If there's life after death, then why men die such a wasted and painful death? arent it strange?.. and.. i just wanna laugh now.. did i force a person to desperation.. then she changes? in any case.. i do not understand how some people thinks.. and what do they want.. i seriously have no idea.. ha. They say.. we all treat different people differently.. and i think its very true.. And in anycase.. We survived and thrive best in Chaos
, in our lives.. without chaos, without stress, we cant grow stronger, we cant find our strengths and weakness.. and work to see the better of the world.. All day, on the news, the bad news always are the frontpage of the paper.. and seldom do you see good news.. Sometimes i think life is a major screwup.. its up to us rather to accept it, or to change it. Its your choice. You can just sit there and drink your morning coffee.. and do what you always do, and complain why the world has fallen on you, why everything is so unfair.. Or, you can just stand up, and just DO IT.. go out, do what you want.. you just never know when life is taken away from you.. Its too fragile life is..reality is never the same in fantasy.. you dont die in games.. but in life, you do.. and you only have 1 chance.. 1 chance.. either to screw up big time, or to make things right for someone or your own life.. Its about choices and decisions.. make the right one.

Hmm.. also, bro 5-2=3 is leaving for HK on a study trip for 5 days.. leaving tmn at 8am.. well, just wanna say Bon Voyage and have fun for this trip.. rmb to bring goodies back from there for me ya;) hee.. thats all folks.. till then;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

well, damm the, server down, so i have to blog in this way.. ahh, about this movie, i watch the first, and now this too.. hee, why do people call it disturbing and insane? after observing and thinking.. its actually the exploration of your own mind.. how deep the rabbit hole goes.. how deep down there it is,who do you believe when all else fails? Posted by Hello

ahh.. know whats this about? welcome to the dark and sinister post.. Exocist, the beginning, well, just watch the show hee, is it disturbing? hmm.. well, to me, its not.. i will explain why;) Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The eve of my doom.. haha, ok, its arent that bad.. tmn is portfolio review.. as history will repeat itself.. alrite, let me explain.. every year.. for my course in architecture, there's a so call"interview" every year end.. its when all the lecturers will line you up on a wall, and start their MG firing.. not many people can survive it though.. some will come out in tears, others like me dont feel too good too.. they will grill you, roast you, SM you, and the best part when the (dwarfty) director sits in the middle and order her minions to roast you to perfection.. and laugh.. thats the worst part. All courage leaves immediately .. haha, sounds scary? well.., right now i am prepared for that.. its not i did badly this year.. i put in every ounce of brain power and creativity into my building.. and frankly, i did what i can.. But hell, the lecturers seems attracted to me, and invited me to a yearly tea session with them.. which i enjoy not.

I did some praying today.. not for myself, but for her.. you know what i pray for? that She will pass and get on to third year.. and i pray that this will be the end of the story.. that we will stay as frens, and everything will be alrite.. ahh.. crap, a little voice just keep saying:"ha, are you kidding? the more you hope not to think of her, the more you are thinking of her.., you cant deny that cant you?;)" ya.. i cant deny it.. when i am with her, there's nothing. but when i am not with her.. i think of her. its pretty weird. What's funny about her.. is that she always is very gan jiong..(means get worried easily) although she looks calm, you know, and if you look at her for the first time, you thought she can do anything.. but heck, when you know her for very long ha, its a different story. Things are just getting more strange.. i am finding her more attractive, i dont know why the hell..and the most X factor that captures me.. maybe is her Smile.. all her laughter.. its just like any small thing, she can laugh her head off..Ohh ya, she has nice voice too!! hee..

What happen today, 7.4.05:
ha, a different account from Shawn's blog, read it if you wanna;) ..

Ring!! godamm alarm clock!
so ya.. woke up at 0716, just woke up.. gotta meet vivian to plot the resubmission for the her at 9am.. suspecting she's still in dreamland.. i was rite.. so she called back(just woken up).. and we arrange to meet at Dhoby Ghaut at 1? she went back to work.. and i went back to my roasting and tiling plan.. hee, weird, her voice sounds the nicest.. so anyway, went there at around 1330, met up with Snoopy and Panda(shawn and deyang), went to the place to print.. print print, then vivian finally arrived in a cab, and complain to me the heat is melting her, and when we are paying, the godamm woman told us its 5dollars per piece!!! it was suppose to be 2.5 as we are students.. and everyone was shocked.. and i was pissed, goddamm it.. i changed instantly to Flippy, and growl at her, one sentence that i hate most" Next time check the price before you print" sure she's rite, but how the hell did the price went up with no one knowing? so the unhappy lot of us pay and forever condemmed the shop.. and the frowning vivian started to grumble about she havent print, and redhill is cheaper.. and the ever cursing me started to curse and swear at the shop.. i have to be dragged out of the shop before i started to burn it down hee.. after that, shawn and deyang went to sunshine plaza and print their a3 sizes stuffs.. which they waited for 3 hours lol... vivian and i went to took a cab and went redhill to print, only 2 dollars she say.. (at this pt, i wasnt feeling that great, first, i never like taking cabs, second, i only left with 5dollars that i borrow from shawn).. and i started to frown also.. so anyway, we reach redhill, 4.70 dollars.. ha, left 30cents! whew, i dig out my wallet and i found 4 dollars;) so ya.. we went to the place and plotted, and went for lunch after that.. and vivian still complains the heat is melting her.. ha, she still have laksa when its so hot! lol, and a cold tapoica soup to cool her off.. when we reach the mrt station, the train to Pasir Ris is left with 3 mins, and she gotta buy a ticket.. haha, i dont know whats rushing her, she pushed the coins so hard that they got rejected, i was like>< relax, vivian, we still got time, relax relax.. and so finally we got the ticket, and got home in one piece..

Ahh.. i dont know if she knows.. how i feel towards her or not.. but we are keeping our cool very well at this moment, and i dont know whats gonna happen.. and i am holding my breath..

Sunday, April 03, 2005

ahh, this is NIGHTMARE, my fav character.. lol, did some research, and found him.. Omg, wanna know why he weild such a big and scary blade? cause its the SOUL EDGE, the blade that he use to slain countless people with it.. haha, emm.. is it concidence this become my fav character? hmm...  Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Hmm.. what is our Destiny?on this kinda cold night.. hmm, just watch 2 vcds at home.. one is "Runaway Jury" and "The Terminal" hmm, both are great shows.. well, you all should catch it when you can;) hmm.. wanna share this quote i found on my wall.. after its been there for very long..

"We succeed only as we identify in life, or in war, or in anything else, a single overriding objective, and make all other considerations bend to that one objective"
-Henry David Thoreau-

sounds complex? it means.. if you wanna succeed in anything.. have only one thing in mind, TO WIN.. and leave nothing to thought.. whatever you do, if you wanna win, put all your doubts and fear at the back of your mind.. put them aside, and gather all your courage and strength to fight.. Fear can only stop us in our tracks, but its ourselves that stop ourselves if we dont conquer this fear and go on..

Destiny.. i thought, and i find.. there are only 2 things that i wish to see and accomplish in my life..
1) To fufil my dream and destiny
2)To find my soulmate

if i succeed in doing this, then i can say i have lived my life.. the man or women, who finds and fufil his/her soulmate, the partner, is truly blessed.. Its like finding a needle in the haystack, or worst than that.. it takes chance, lots and luck, and not forgetting, Fate.. Lots of things that happened in this world, all do with fate.. there is no concidence that things happen.. Although there are many things that are beyond my understanding.. but i will, someday hope to understand them as i get older and wiser..

Well people,. hope today's post isnt too hard to digest at all.. leave any comments if you have wanna;) take care and cheers.
Wee, what a cool day it was!;)1/4/05, April's fool day.. well, i wasnt fooled but hey, it was a nice day man.. hee, Omg, i just realised.. its been almost a week since i blog? hmm... crap, what have i been doing ? hmm.. nvm, lets talk about yesterday,.. had two final tear exams in the morning.. first paper was 0830 to 1010, the next was 1400 to 1610.. ahh, damm 4 hours of break.. so we took it, and i must say it was kinda tough, to a certain degree.. the lecturer is trying to be a trick o trickers.. his answers are all TOO similar.. hee, its not easy.. oh yeah, its about Materials and Environment Science.. two subjects that are critical in our architecture course.. Yup, so, the exam finally ended!! hee, well, it called for a stress reliver.. and so we went to our fav haunt at Xbox, to destress our stressed brains for a while.. hee, and so we are, Bro5(copyright) went to Doghby Ghaut, the MRT there, where;s there a Xbox shop, and we always played in the room..

FIrst game was Boxing? ha.. damm cruel game.. when the player is K.O, you can always see his disformed face when his enemy hit hard, and blood always spew from his mouth ha.. so we played for a while.. and everyone got pissed cause its a game that you got to control well, if not, you cant hit your enemy at all:( so ya, we changed game, and got Soul Caliber, sounds cool eh?;) hee its is!!.. its a 1on 1 fighting game.. and Hey, the graphics and controls are excellent.. it got 5 of us totally emersed into the game.. we took turns against each other.. hee, and even that we develop our own fav character.. here's the rundown:

1)Dan: Nightmare(damm guy using a big sword, very hugh damage)
2)Deyang: His SUMOTIGER, ha, Spawn.. not a bad character at all hee;)
3)Cher Hao: hmm.. he keep using character others have use:( ha
4)Shawn: haha, his fav is female characters hmm hmm.. they are quite well too;)
5)Lester: Hmm, as a verteran of this game, he choosed the best, which was the sumarai, damm fast and concentrated attacks, even my Nightmare is scare hee..

we played this game for like 1/1/2 hours, time filies when you are having fun;) Everyone was laughing so hard during the whole game.. cause, while its fun, its funny too hee.. deyang and his super jump fire thingy.. cher hao and his slam thingy, everyone got their's funny speciality.. mine was Smacking!! ha.. got one part when my character uses his big ugly sword to hits the emm.. buttocks of shawn's gal, 2 times and she died haha.. and so came 7pm.. and we all gtg.. and from there, we dispersed and left..

A great start to the month i must say;) .. ahh, the more i wanna put you of my mind.. the more i cant.. damm it..