Monday, April 18, 2005

ahh.. damm Mozilla firefox.. for some reasons i thought my blog was down or deleted.. nah, just cant see on the mozilla.. anyway, its been how many days since i update my blog? hmm.. cant remember.. life these few days just seem all in a blur and rush.. well, I pass my second year in Architecture.. i must say, second year was a big leap in my course of study.. its like, you never know whats building about, how it works, and how it functions.. its my first time knowing and grasping the knowledge.. and i must admit, i had a hard time understanding sometimes.. but in anycase.. i am done with 2, so going to year 3!;) hoo yah! ..

Sometimes i think.. there are so many things that are just so complex.. i just cant understand it.. why this kind of things happen, why and how they work.. like life, why must just some people die that way? and why did they go.. If there's life after death, then why men die such a wasted and painful death? arent it strange?.. and.. i just wanna laugh now.. did i force a person to desperation.. then she changes? in any case.. i do not understand how some people thinks.. and what do they want.. i seriously have no idea.. ha. They say.. we all treat different people differently.. and i think its very true.. And in anycase.. We survived and thrive best in Chaos
, in our lives.. without chaos, without stress, we cant grow stronger, we cant find our strengths and weakness.. and work to see the better of the world.. All day, on the news, the bad news always are the frontpage of the paper.. and seldom do you see good news.. Sometimes i think life is a major screwup.. its up to us rather to accept it, or to change it. Its your choice. You can just sit there and drink your morning coffee.. and do what you always do, and complain why the world has fallen on you, why everything is so unfair.. Or, you can just stand up, and just DO IT.. go out, do what you want.. you just never know when life is taken away from you.. Its too fragile life is..reality is never the same in fantasy.. you dont die in games.. but in life, you do.. and you only have 1 chance.. 1 chance.. either to screw up big time, or to make things right for someone or your own life.. Its about choices and decisions.. make the right one.

Hmm.. also, bro 5-2=3 is leaving for HK on a study trip for 5 days.. leaving tmn at 8am.. well, just wanna say Bon Voyage and have fun for this trip.. rmb to bring goodies back from there for me ya;) hee.. thats all folks.. till then;)