Wee, what a cool day it was!;)1/4/05, April's fool day.. well, i wasnt fooled but hey, it was a nice day man.. hee, Omg, i just realised.. its been almost a week since i blog? hmm... crap, what have i been doing ? hmm.. nvm, lets talk about yesterday,.. had two final tear exams in the morning.. first paper was 0830 to 1010, the next was 1400 to 1610.. ahh, damm 4 hours of break.. so we took it, and i must say it was kinda tough, to a certain degree.. the lecturer is trying to be a trick o trickers.. his answers are all TOO similar.. hee, its not easy.. oh yeah, its about Materials and Environment Science.. two subjects that are critical in our architecture course.. Yup, so, the exam finally ended!! hee, well, it called for a stress reliver.. and so we went to our fav haunt at Xbox, to destress our stressed brains for a while.. hee, and so we are, Bro5(copyright) went to Doghby Ghaut, the MRT there, where;s there a Xbox shop, and we always played in the room..
FIrst game was Boxing? ha.. damm cruel game.. when the player is K.O, you can always see his disformed face when his enemy hit hard, and blood always spew from his mouth ha.. so we played for a while.. and everyone got pissed cause its a game that you got to control well, if not, you cant hit your enemy at all:( so ya, we changed game, and got Soul Caliber, sounds cool eh?;) hee its is!!.. its a 1on 1 fighting game.. and Hey, the graphics and controls are excellent.. it got 5 of us totally emersed into the game.. we took turns against each other.. hee, and even that we develop our own fav character.. here's the rundown:
1)Dan: Nightmare(damm guy using a big sword, very hugh damage)
2)Deyang: His SUMOTIGER, ha, Spawn.. not a bad character at all hee;)
3)Cher Hao: hmm.. he keep using character others have use:( ha
4)Shawn: haha, his fav is female characters hmm hmm.. they are quite well too;)
5)Lester: Hmm, as a verteran of this game, he choosed the best, which was the sumarai, damm fast and concentrated attacks, even my Nightmare is scare hee..
we played this game for like 1/1/2 hours, time filies when you are having fun;) Everyone was laughing so hard during the whole game.. cause, while its fun, its funny too hee.. deyang and his super jump fire thingy.. cher hao and his slam thingy, everyone got their's funny speciality.. mine was Smacking!! ha.. got one part when my character uses his big ugly sword to hits the emm.. buttocks of shawn's gal, 2 times and she died haha.. and so came 7pm.. and we all gtg.. and from there, we dispersed and left..
A great start to the month i must say;) .. ahh, the more i wanna put you of my mind.. the more i cant.. damm it..