Thursday, April 28, 2005

LEADERSHIP, what is that? As explained from the America Heritage@ Dicitionary, it means " Capacity or ability to lead: showed strong leadership in a situation or position " and in Longman Dictionary, Lead: "position at the front or ahead" so what in the world is to lead or leadership? is it having the power to control and manipulate a group of people? yes and no, to lead, in meaning means to lead a group of individuals towards a specific goal or objective.

look at the picture above, see the 3 boys? Which one is the leader? It can be clearly seen, the one center is. Why? he's the one with his head turned looking at the horizon, and the other both are not. I posted this picture on my blog as i find it interesting, three different roles in our society and in a group/pack. I will explain the roles of these 3 boys..

(Left):boy who's reading magazine, his facial expression registered he's on alert. Maybe looking for someone, he has the potential of a leader, peharps the second in command in the group..

(Center):boy with his head turned to one side, Notice his eyes and facial expression, deep thought, thinking, face with leadership, body languages express all. This cleary shows he's the leader of his pack, or acting in command.

(Right):boy with his head down reading his book. From what i can observe, maybe the follower of the group, but this rule express.. Roles in a group/pack are interchangable.. 1 can be leader, or follower. This boy with his head down can be both..

What makes a good group? Its when everyone knows their roles well, and has confidence in their abilites to perform their best.. What makes a good leader? One who knows the way, and shows the way.

Lastly.. there is only 2 ways to lead. One, is by respect, and Second, fear. Always lead by respect, for respect can never be bought, but has to be earned...