Sunday, July 24, 2005


woah.. a weekend of 3 movies!:PP weeee.. friday watched "fantastic 4", yesterday catched "the island" and sunday watched the vcd "the pacifier" lol.. all 3 movies are fantastic! anyway, here's the review of all 3 movies!;P

Fantastic 4: great marvel movie.. the plot follows closely the comic, the action and visual effects are excellent.. wee, invisible woman is hot;) oh yeahhh... the movies shows how they got their powers, and how in the end they come to accept their power as a gift, and not as a gift. The last member who overcome his barrier that his powers is his gift is "the thing". He's was a sad story as his wife rejected him when he came back from space in rock form.. poor chap, but hey, he in the end got another gal;) Anyway, nice movie. 4/5

The Island: ooo.. dark theme.. talks about the future, in the year 2019. Last haven from contamination and death, the survivors are granted the lsland, or is it so? no way.. these people are all clones, being fed and kept alive like cattles waiting to be slaughtered. Why? cause they are life insurances, meaning if the real person needs an organ or dying, they will kill the clone and take the body parts.. yes, its is a very disturbing thought.. and especially when the clone is still alive, they just take out the body part.Lincoln Six-Echo ( Ewan McGregor), is the main character in the movie. He's the real special clone as he inhabit memories of his real self, thus enabling him to question the endless utopian world they are living in.
Jordan two-delta(Scarlett Johansson) plays the female lead in this movie as well.. together, they found the truth and become fugitives, hunted by a group of special mercs.. anyway, watch the movie you must;) But, but, be warned that it is 3 hours. Its worth all your time trust me, never make me sleep so dont worry;) But then, watch for the story plot, the cool techno toys they have, and lastly, the hot babe, yaaaa...4.5/5

The Pacifier: ahh borrowed vcd, talks about this super navy seal who is assigned to guard 5 little kids, from imiment danger. Its really a hilarous movie man, be in for a good 1h30mins of laughs ;) He really treats the kids like soldiers ha, and really all done by military style. The movie has a kiddish yet entertaining theme though.. borrow the show for a good laugh;P 4/5

Anyway, ever feel life is turning to be better? these few days i feel that it's getting better.. especially yesterday.. it was just A great. went out, watch a movie, had dinner and send her home;) thank god no misfortune happened.. whew.. sigh.. really wish things was as good as like yesterday.. well, I thank God for his blessings.. and the gifts he granted me.